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How To Blend Your Hair Extensions Seamlessly With Your Natural Hair

If you are experiencing hair loss, hair thinning or just want a style update for your pane, then clip-in hair extensions are surely your best friend as they work wonders...

If you are experiencing hair loss, hair thinning or just want a style update for your pane, then clip-in hair extensions are surely your best friend as they work wonders in helping you achieve the perfect colour, length and volume. However, one task that can be a little challenging is wearing them properly, blending the clips in your natural locks, making sure that they blend in seamlessly and your dear extensions look just as if you have spent the last 5 years growing your locks. Though, not to worry, as always, Nish Hair is here to save the day. Take a look at our super-easy guide on how to blend your hair extensions with your natural hair, including the most common mistakes to avoid.

Holding decades of experience in all things hair extensions, we understand how frustrating it can be to spend hours of your precious time fitting your weft just to find out that the clips are still poking out or they are uncomfortably pulling your own tresses. However, this most certainly doesn’t mean that you cannot enjoy gorgeously long, thick and voluminous locks. So without further ado, let’s take a closer look at the following:

  • How To Make Hair Extensions Blend Naturally
  • Mistakes To Avoid




1. Choose the length of Extensions according to the length of your natural hair.

While you may adore the idea of longer extensions, the reality is that extensions that are too long will not really look natural. No matter how good you blend them in, you won’t be able manage to make the length of your natural hair simply  disappear. Hence, choose the length of the extensions according to the length of your natural hair. If your hair is no longer than your shoulders, hair extensions between 16 to 18 inches in length will be good enough for you, while longer hair could accommodate extensions between 20 to 24/26 inches in length.

2. Trim your hair extensions to match your haircut

No ready made hair extension will perfectly match your haircut unless customised. Simply take your hair extensions to a professional hair stylist and ask him or her to trim your extensions, in the same manner, you cut your hair, for a perfect blend in. When you are styling your hair, treat your natural hair as the shortest layer of your cut, styling it away from your face.

3. Create a base for the wefts


Once you have bought your favourite clip-in extensions, it’s time to try fitting them for the first time. The key to achieving a natural look is creating a solid base for the wefts, which will not only help your extensions to stay at their place but also hide the clips. To achieve a seamless look, each time that you section your hair, tease them using a tail comb. Tail combs are great because they are typically fine-toothed, meaning that you can tease your hair without causing them any damage.

4. Know where to position the wefts

Before you clip in your extensions, try different weft positionings. You obviously do not wangt to section out your entire hair, prepare your extensions and tease the root to find that the weft doesn’t quite look right in that place. As the hair type and head shape varies from person to person, it is only good to to try different positions and recognise what’s best for you. 

5. It’s okay if you do not wish to wear the whole set together

A whole set of clip in hair extensions comes with enough wefts to suit even those women that have very thick hair. But, if you have thinning hair, you will notice that using only a part of the wefts is more than enough to create a gorgeous natural look. When clipping in your hair extensions, it is extremely critical to follow your head shape. Hence, start by clipping in the medium-sized wefts at the back of the head, in the lowest part. Then, take the longest wefts and clip them to the sides, in the widest part of your head. And, finally, the shortest of them should be clipped just befor your temples.


Mistakes To Avoid While Clipping In Your Hair Extensions

  1. Putting the clips too close to your scalp: 

    Position your clips just a little further down, as this will allow more movement in your extensions, helping the results to look more natural. 
  2. Attempting to put them on wet or freshly washed hair:

     Weft clips can slip, especially on thinner, finer hair, which means that you need a little texture to allow them to grip.

Not using Good Qaulity Human Hair Extensions

: This is a MUST if you are going to wear hair extensions! Cheaper or fake hair extensions seem like a good deal until after the first wash when they break and frizz up and you are there with tangled, frizzy and damaged extensions that do NOT match your own natural hair texture at all! When it comes to hair extensions it is always a good idea to invest in high quality pieces, this will save you a loads of money down the road.


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